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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Can Individual Virtue Survive Corporate Pressure Essay - 1
Can Individual Virtue Survive Corporate Pressure - Essay Example At the point when corporate administrators refer to ‘market forces’ as ‘compelling outside circumstances’ that prevent power in their dynamic, they are simply uncovering their absence of authority abilities. In addition, as Solomon focuses, laborers in companies â€Å"tend to carry on in congruity with the individuals and desires that encompass them, in any event, when what they are advised to do damages their ‘personal morality’.†(Newton, et. al., 2011, p.63) In numerous ways, what are considered as commendable inside the bounds of an enterprise is generally observed as indecencies outside this domain. For instance, characteristics, for example, the propensity to indiscriminately obey authority, act as one with the crown and declining to assume individual liability for more extensive results have no an incentive outside the corporate structure. Solomon at that point proceeds to refer to prominent rationalists from an earlier time, inclu ding Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill and David Hume in stressing the significance of individual character and prudence. He even alludes to antiquated rationalists, for example, Aristotle and Confucius to underscore his point. In spite of the fact that these savants lived before the modern period, their thoughts hold great across settings, for they do address the benefits of holding firm notwithstanding ‘external’ impulses and specialists. In the cutting edge setting, the predominant organization for power and congruity is the business enterprise. In any case, the distraction of these logicians isn't just whether singular ideals ‘can’ endure.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Tim OBriens The Things They Carried Essays - The Things They Carried
Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried Basic Review: Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried is certainly not a novel about the Vietnam War. It is an anecdote about the warriors and their encounters and feelings that are realized from the war. O'Brien offers a few expressions about war through these dynamic characters. He shows the fierce idea of fighters under the weights of war, he makes a viable antiwar articulation, and he remarks on the inversion of a social deviation into the standard. By ably utilizing the expressive method of explicit, cognizant detail determination and using obvious lingual authority, O'Brien altogether and convincingly comes to each meaningful conclusion. The rough nature that the officers procured during their visit in Vietnam is one of O'Brien's dominating subjects in his novel. By intentionally choosing exceptionally engaging subtleties that uncover the extraordinary change in way inside the men, O'Brien makes inside the peruser a comprehension of the impac ts of war on its members. One of the warriors, Norman Bowler, in any case an extremely delicate individual, conveyed a Thumb. . .The Thumb was dull earthy colored, rubbery to contact. . . It had been cut from a VC cadaver, a kid of fifteen or sixteen(13). Bowler had been a generally excellent natured individual in regular citizen life, yet war makes him into an exceptionally hard-mannered, genuinely void warrior, conveying about a cut off finger as a trophy, glad for his slaughter. The change appeared through Bowler is a fantastic marker of the mental and enthusiastic change that the vast majority of the officers experience. To bring a guiltless youngster from touchy to unresponsive, from minding to scornful, requires an incredible power; the war gives this power. In any case, as often as possible are the progressions progressively extreme. An officer named Ted Lavender embraced a stranded doggy. . .Azar lashed it to a Claymore people killing mine and pressed the terminating device( 39). Azar has gotten maniacal; to execute a little dog that another person has received is terrible. Be that as it may, the curse of brutality has become the standard of conduct for these men; the transitory snapshot of sympathy appeared by one man is in a split second deleted by another, slowing down request inside the gathering. O'Brien here shows a trace of affectability among the men to set up an alarming differentiation between the past and the present for these men. The impact delivered on the peruser by this differentiation is one of loathsomeness; along these lines satisfying O'Brien's motivation, to persuade the peruser of war's seriously negative impacts. In the wild ox story, We ran over an infant water bison. . .After dinner Rat Kiley went over and stroked its nose. . .He ventured back and shot it through the correct front knee. . .He shot it twice in the flanks. It wasn't to slaughter, it was to hurt(85). Rodent shows a serious enthusiastic issue here; be that as it may , it is as yet the standard. The frightening level of separated feeling welcomed on by the war is characteristic in O'Brien's nitty gritty records of the officers' activities concerning the lives of different creatures. O'Brien's utilization of explicit and indicative phrasing improves a similar subject, the loss of affectability and increment in vicious conduct among the troopers. The VC from which Bowker took the thumb was only a boy(13), giving the picture of a youthful, honest individual who ought not have been exposed to the repulsions of war. The undertone related with kid improves the way that executing has no enthusiastic impact on the Americans, that they slaughter for brandish and couldn't care less who or what their game might be. Similarly as unreasonable as murdering young men, however, is the slaughtering of a baby(85), the undertone being related with human newborn children despite the fact that it is utilized to depict a youthful water wild ox they torment. The possi bility of a child is conceptual, and the slaughtering of one is disapproved of in current society, paying little heed to species. O'Brien makes a disposition of sicken in the peruser with the word, further satisfying his motivation in denouncing savagery. Significantly increasingly intense in undertone to be slaughtered is the stranded puppy(39). Adding to the current thought of executing babies is slaughtering stranded children, which brings out wrath inside the peruser. The entire idea is figurative, in light of the implications of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
National Bank of Pakistan †Information Technology Review
National Bank of Pakistan †Information Technology Review Free Online Research Papers Visit To NBP cannot Brach on 25/8/2010 Report It was 25th august, when the understudies of Bs (CS) and IT sixth semester went to National Bank of Pakistan principle branch cant to visit a data innovation area. Mr.khalid Badini, the administrator of division, too went with us to administer the visit. Under the direction of Mr. Badini, we investigated the total arrangement of NBP .The assets which we examined out there are give beneath: Assets of NBP in IT division were utilizing: 1. Server (EBS 400 IBM) 2. Switch Cisco 3600 3. PTCL association for net DXX 4. DTU (Used for sink) 5. Database DB2 6. Operating system 400 IBM 7. One Switch 8. Fiber Optic board 9. Clump board 10. Reinforcement were utilizing for web. 1. Wateen 2. Modem (DSL) 3. Radio System/Line 11. Principle application was existing EBS which created in COBOL language. Depiction of given assets. Server EBS 400 IBM machine is utilized as a server in NBP cant Quetta. It is a server which screens the entire area of Balochistan, checking around 23 branches are online in Quetta locale and two branches are online in Gawadar district . NBP cannot branch is utilizing a few assets for systems administration and correspondence: 1. PTCL (DXX) 2. Wateen 3. Modem (DSL) 4. Radio Line The genuine association is DXX, it is 64K data transmission for each Branch. Each branch is spoken with principle server by DTU (Data transmission unit). So it implies there are 25th branches and each branch is utilizing two sets of DTU. One sets is kept in primary branch and another pair is kept in a sub branch and each Branch is utilizing 64K data transmission. It is a conceded truth that DTU is simply utilized for correspondence. Though, NBP cannot branch is spoken with fundamental branch Karachi and they are utilizing 128K data transfer capacity for correspondence. Despite the fact that speed is by all accounts extremely delayed for such colossal association yet we were informed that this sort of speed is being utilized in order to abstain from hacking plausibility and is as per the prerequisites of information transmission and gathering too. Switch Cisco 3600 is utilized for characterizing the underlying foundations of each branch and it has been arranged by principle branch through the telnet. NBP is utilizing three different associations as a support of system correspondence cum Wateen, Radio Line and Modem .If the real given line is down or separated then reinforcement consequently works. My Views Under the direction of our Chairman Mr. Khalid Badini, we not just came to think about the ABC of EBS yet we additionally built up the sense to work this framework too. As research is a need of each understudy to learn and the very visit, with the generosity of our Chairman, gave us the opportunity to gain some new useful knowledge that was not in our insight previously. At long last, I miss the mark regarding words to thank the Chairman for orchestrating decent outing and demonstrate my idealistic would like to have such excursions in future too to raise our insight. Research Papers on National Bank of Pakistan - Information Technology ReviewThe Project Managment Office SystemBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalOpen Architechture a white paperMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductThree Concepts of PsychodynamicThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseDefinition of Export QuotasStandardized Testing
Oliver Twist :: essays research papers
OLIVER TWIST CHARACTERS  Harry ~ He is Mrs. Maylie's child, and he is infatuated with Rose.  Rose ~ She lives with Giles and Brittles, and is uncertain on how she feels about Harry until the end.  Oliver ~ Represents the hopelessness and destitution of the poor during the 1800.  Bil ~ He is an expert hoodlum, a mean individual, a heavy drinker, and is sweetheart of Nancy.  Toby ~ A hoodlum (he is Bill’s right hand).  Nancy ~ A merciful lady who lamentably pays for being that at long last. She is likewise Bil's sweetheart (who she is extremely frightened of).  Brittles and Giles ~ The individuals whose house was broken into by Sikes, Toby, and Oliver. Additionally the individuals who dealt with Oliver after he came to them practically dead.  Mrs. Bedwin ~ Housekeeper for Mr.Brownlow.  Mr. Brownlow ~ Oliver's first disciple, he and Mrs.Bedwin took generally excellent consideration of him.  Fagin ~ Teaches kids how to become hoodlums, yet everything he does is make the youngsters take for him with the goal that he doesn’t need to do it without anyone's help or a so he wouldn’t get found doing it.  Doctor Losberne ~ Doctor that helps Oliver after he get shot in the arm.  Mr. what's more, Mrs. Blunder ~ Preppy and Snobby individuals, and they detest Oliver.  Mrs. Cheesy ~ Mr. Blunder's significant other, it was her last name by birth before she was hitched to him.  Mr. Priests ~ He was otherwise called the outsider, yet he was truly Edward Leeford (Oliver sibling).  Mrs. Maylie ~ She is Harry's mom. Outline Bil Sikes, Toby Crackit, and Oliver burglarized Brittles and Giles. During the time spent the burglary Oliver is shot in the arm thus Sikes wouldn't get captured he left Oliver in a discard to bite the dust. The following morning he strolls to Brittles and Giles house and took him in and called the Doctor. At the point when the specialist came he said that he was exceptionally eager to see the kid. After Oliver's arm is dealt with Brittles, Giles, Rose, Mrs. Maylie, and the specialist chose not to tell the police, however what they choose to do is deal with him and give him a home. At the point when Oliver revealed to them his story they felt awful for him, so they disregarded him to recuperate. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â When Oliver recovered he discovers that Mr. Brownlow and Mrs. Bedwin had moved toward the West Indies.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Thinking Religion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Thinking Religion - Research Paper Example This paper responds to some important inquiries concerning misguided judgments individuals and I had about Baptists. Like each individual who isn't a Baptist, I too had certain confusions about Baptists. These confusions came to fruition in conversations with rehearsing Baptists. What I thought was a piece of their convictions later ended up being close to home understandings of the way that they read the Bible and comprehend their religion. . There is the general conviction that the Baptist church overlooks fetus removal. Notwithstanding, after a visit to a Baptists church it happened that they contradict fetus removal whenever done distinctly to keep away from duties as a parent and as methods for contraception. Be that as it may, they accept that a fetus removal might be performed to spare the mother’s life, or in the event that that is a constrained origination as when a lady is assaulted. Regardless of whether the embryo is twisted and has little odds of driving an ordina ry autonomous life, a fetus removal may be done to spare the kid from an existence of hopelessness. For the most part the Baptists put stock in the sacredness of life (Dutch, 2002). Another misinterpretation that I harbored was that music isn't reasonable for Baptists. That is likewise false on the grounds that you will discover a â€Å"hymn book†in each seat in all Baptist Churches. Not many administrations are done or finish up without songs .However, there are a few holy places that totally reject any type of present day music, and the chapels despite everything cling to the old psalms. These holy places as a rule permit a few guitars without intensifiers, yet the guitar won't be joined by some other instrument. Accordingly permitting current music isn't an issue as such not with individuals who like the music to such an extent as the individuals who restrict it. Anyway a few chapels permit contemporary, yet in actuality empower the utilization of new arrangements. At the point when the 60’s introduced another period of music, the Baptist church got another time of Gospel music. Truth be told Carmichael who was one of the most looked for after music chief of popular music in the 60†s additionally created numerous Gospel songs. The songs that Carmichael created are still extremely well known and have extraordinary tunes (Dutch, 2002). Another misguided judgment is that Baptists just have faith in the St. James Bible, which is the main book of scriptures to be mass delivered and circulated. This misguided judgment came about in light of the fact that some Baptist places of worship demanded that admirers going to the congregation were given St. James books of scriptures as it were. Individuals getting their own books of scriptures were distinctly asked by ushers which books of scriptures they had, and if were some other rendition of the holy book, they were approached to utilize the St. James book of scriptures as it were. The individuals who denied were approached to leave the congregation. This gave everybody the feeling that Baptists had confidence in the St. James Bible just and no of different renditions of the good book which individuals utilized. These traditionalist Baptists accepted that different forms were false understandings of the expression of God, and that the genuine expression of God must not be weakened or misjudged at all. This furious discussion was produced by Dr. Diminish Ruckman with his book, Bible Babel (1964). Dr. Subside eagerly assaulted the individuals who didn't concur with him. This threatening vibe made humiliation Baptists when the discussion spread significantly over the Internet. Numerous sites were focused on this issue, each with its own adaptation. Some were absolute unfriendly and imply that negates any type of scholarly conversation (Dutch, 2002). Prior to this debate, picking a book of scriptures adaptation was very simple. Anyway there are a few researchers who have kept up confidence and obligation in these
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Self-Monitoring in the Treatment of Eating Disorders
Self-Monitoring in the Treatment of Eating Disorders Eating Disorders Treatment Print Self-Monitoring in the Treatment of Eating Disorders By Elisha Carcieri, Ph.D. Updated on January 19, 2020 Yellow Dog Productions / Getty Images More in Eating Disorders Treatment Symptoms Diagnosis Awareness and Prevention In the treatment of eating disorders, logs or diaries are also known as self-monitoring records. Self-monitoring involves keeping track of behaviors, symptoms, or experiences over time. Self-monitoring is an important part of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for many mental health disorders. For depression or anxiety, for example, therapy often involves keeping track of thoughts and associated emotions and behaviors. For insomnia, patients are usually asked to keep sleep logs. Keeping track of eating habits with a food log or diary can help you to better understand your current problems in order to promote change. Why Self-Monitoring is Helpful One of the reasons self-monitoring is so helpful is that it can be very difficult to recall thoughts, feelings, or behaviors after some time has passed. In the moment self-monitoring makes it possible to get an accurate picture of what is really going on with your eating behavior. This can be an important tool whether you are working to change a behavior or problem on your own (self-help), or while working with a therapist. Self-monitoring is a key part of enhanced CBT for eating disorders (CBT-E) and begins following the first session of therapy. Self-monitoring records are reviewed with your therapist during each CBT-E session. Challenges to Self-Monitoring There are challenges associated with self-monitoring. It takes time and effort to complete the records after each meal or snack and may require some planning on your part. However, you can remind yourself that self-monitoring is an integral part of recovery and it is not a practice you will have to maintain forever. Many people have also experienced recording their food intake for weight loss programs and were made to feel bad whenever their records revealed that they did not successfully stick to the diet. As a result, they may have felt embarrassed or ashamed of seeing their eating patterns recorded on paper. Your therapist, on the other hand, takes a very different approach to your records and will not judge you or ridicule you. Instead, he or she will work with you to use self-monitoring as a tool to provide insight into your eating disorder and inform your treatment. How to Keep a Food Record It is recommended that you jot down the following as part of your self-monitoring record: Everything you eat and drink over the course of the day and nightAny thoughts or feelings that went along with consuming that meal or snackWhether that particular episode of eating is considered a binge (according to you)Whether you did anything to try to shed the calories, such as vomiting, using laxatives, or exercisingLocation (for example, “at the dinner table,†or “in front of the television)Any relevant contextual factors, thoughts, or feelings (for example, “at family get together,†or “I ate too much,†or anxious, depressed, happy) You should initially keep your self-monitoring logs without making any changes to your eating patterns for at least a week to begin to identify patterns and themes. See if you can identify any problematic behaviors or associations. For example, you may notice that you are much more likely to binge eat after fasting for many hours during the day. After this period of time, you can move on to making some changes in your eating patterns. The next step is to make changes to any problematic patterns and to establish a regular pattern of eating. Paper or App Formats are Both Okay for Self-Monitoring Self-monitoring is traditionally done using paper and pencil. But technology has allowed for the use of the computer or smartphone apps that are geared toward recovery. Many find that the convenience of electronic records is motivating and a better fit for a busy lifestyle. Recovery Record and Rise Up Recover are both free apps for appropriate self-monitoring that can be used independently or while working with a therapist as part of eating disorder treatment. In fact, a 2018 study found that some eating disorder patients found Recovery Record to be supportive and helpful in their recovery period, though others found it to be obstructive. Some applications also incorporate feedback and encourage the use of adaptive coping skills. There are many apps that may appear to fit the bill for self-monitoring, but focus almost exclusively on calorie counting. However, self-monitoring and calorie counting are not the same. Self-monitoring calls for recording information on emotions, context, and patterns of behavior that simple calorie counting does not. It is this additional information that is so powerful in promoting recovery. In fact, exact measurements and calorie counting are discouraged for people with eating disorders and are not a focus in CBT-E. Many sufferers of eating disorders are very rigid about their food intake and spend a lot of time thinking about what they have eaten and efforts to “make up†for calories they have consumed. Calorie counting is not recommended because it can serve to promote this obsessive behavior. Resources Self-monitoring is one of the first steps toward recovery from eating disorders and can be a rich source of information for anyone struggling with their relationship with food. If you are interested in self-help, the Centre for Clinical Interventions offers a workbook called Overcoming Disordered Eating that includes self-monitoring. Many people may find that they need support from a therapist. The National Eating Disorder Association provides a directory of eating disorder therapists. A Word From Verywell While self-monitoring can prove to be a helpful part of eating disorder recovery, it should never completely replace care from your recovery team and doctors. Be sure to always keep them in a loop about your recovery, including the records you are keeping. If you may be veering toward an unhealthy behavior, they can help you correct it and stay on the road to recovery.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Medical Marijuana, Free Essay Sample
Medical Marijuana Cannabis or marijuana has been known to have adverse effects on the individuals who use it for recreation purposes. Due to the intense danger that marijuana can have on its users, it has been outlawed by most countries. However, there are countries that accept and embrace the use of medical marijuana. Medical marijuana is cannabis and cannabinoids that are prescribed by physicians to their patients. Cannabis is a psychoactive drug that is obtained from the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids, on the other hand, refers to a chemical compound that is obtained from the cannabis plant. The chemical compound functions by altering the normal neurotransmitter release in the brain, and ultimately affecting the possible experience of pain. Accordingly, the paper explores the overall information regarding medical marijuana, the medical uses of medical marijuana and the pharmacology of medical marijuana. In most countries across the world, the use of marijuana is outlawed as it is considered as a narcotic drug. However, there are some countries that have legalized marijuana. The medical marijuana is found in some of the countries where marijuana use has been accepted and even used for medical purposes in countries where it is illegal. Even in the countries where medical marijuana is used, there have still existed extensive tests and set levels of restrictions which the user cannot exceed due to its toxic nature. The short-term effects of marijuana include dizziness, fatigue, vomiting, and hallucination. Long-term effects of the drug, on the other hand, include memory loss, cognition problems, addiction and mental disorders characterized by abnormal social behaviors. Other than the fact that cannabis has been known to posse adverse effects to its users, the drug has also been recognized for its medical values in different cultures over a vast period. Among the top medicinal benefits o f marijuana include the reduction of nausea and vomiting during the administration of chemotherapy, improving appetite in patients who have HIV/AIDS, and the reduction of chronic pains muscle spasms. There are different methods used in the process of the administration of medical marijuana. The means include the use of liquid tinctures, vaporizing or smoking dried buds, ingesting the good sections, using tablets, skin patches, and oral or skin sprays. There are places where synthesis cannabinoids are available as prescription drugs. The Medical Uses of Marijuana Some patients who undergo chemotherapy have been noted to be extensively nauseated and even vomit either during the exercise or after the exercise; medical marijuana has been discovered to be one of the main ways that can be used to manage the situation. Despite the effectiveness of the marijuana in managing the nastic felling and even the vomiting, it is rarely used because it also possesses side effects such as dizziness. The drug is also highly essential in handling HIV/AIDS patients. In most instances, the patients are known to lose appetite. The administration of medical marijuana to these individuals is however helpful as it acts as a fast and efficient way of boosting their appetite. The most common use of medical marijuana has been to manage pains. The drug has been realized as an efficient and effective way of reducing and handling chronic pain in a vast number of conditions. In the instances when it is meant to reduce pain, the most effective way of administration is by i nhaling. Cannabis has also been proved to be effective in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy. The marijuana can also be used in the treatment of neurological problems, including epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and locomotive issues. Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms can also be treated using medical cannabis. Pharmacology The species of cannabis that are used for the medicinal purpose include cannabis sativa and cannabis indica. The plant cannabis has a total number of approximately four hundred and sixty compounds. Around eighty of these compounds contain chemical compounds that can react with the brains cannabinoid receptors. The main cannabinoid receptors that are responsive to a large number of the effects of cannabinoids are BB1 and CB2. These receptors are both found in the G protein-coupled receptors. The CB1 receptors are associated with psychoactive effects because they are located in the brain, while CB2 is responsible for pain modulation as they are located in the entire body. The absorption of cannabis in the body depends on the method that was used in its intake. If it is consumed through smoking, it is quickly delivered to the brain from the lungs. Oral administration, on the other hand, will require the longest time for the substance to be absorbed by the body. Similar to absorption, the distribution of cannabinoid across the body is also dependent on the modes of administration. The fastest absorption rates are associated with the administration methods of smoking and the inhalation of vaporized marijuana. If the marijuana is consumed orally, the absorption rate is low as the substance first has to undergo the metabolic processes of the body before it is finally absorbed into the body and distributed. With regards to the metabolisms of the substance, if the substance is inhaled or smoked, it is metabolized much faster than in the even that it is ingested. The ingested substance first has to be broken down, absorbed into the body, taken to the liver through the bloodstream, before eventually traveling to the brain then back to the liver. A majority of the metabolite is excreted in feces, rather than urine. This is mainly due to the large propensity of the HTC and CBD that undergoes metabolisms. After the product undergoes metabolism, there is the production o f approximately thirty metabolites. Most of the metabolites are glucuronidation products. As a result, around 65 percent of the waste is excreted in feces, 25 percent through urine, and 10 percent through means such as sweating. Marijuana has been proved to possess a wide range of negative side effects. As a result, the product has been outlawed across most of the countries in the world. However, alongside its negative effects, its medicinal values have been appreciated in some countries. There are countries that have outlawed its recreational use but embrace its medicinal importance under strict rules and observations. It is mainly used for preventing vomiting and nausea in patients undergoing chemotherapy, boosting appetite in HIV/AIDS patients and for managing pain. There are different ways through which it is introduced into the body, including inhalation, injection, and ingestion. The rates of its breakdown, absorption, metabolism, and excretion are all dependent on the methods through which it was administered to the body. Due to the adverse negative effects that marijuana has on the body, its usage for the medicinal purpose is only accepted if it is delivered by a qualified health practitioner. It i s not administered continuously for the sake of minimizing cases of addiction.
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